Instruction PDF Invoice to Order for PrestaShop


Download and install

  1. Download the plugin archive from the Shop Pinta store and save it to your computer.

  2. In the admin panel of your website, select Modules (1) > Module Manager (2).

  3. Сlick the Upload a module button (3).

  1. In the opened window, click on select file (4).

  2. Next, select the plugin archive (5) and click the Open button (6).

  1. To configure the plugin click the Configure button (7).

Plugin page

The plugin page consists of tabs:


  2. TEMPLATES (2).



The GLOBAL SETTINGS tab is used to enable the plugin and configure how the pdf file is sent to email.

This tab contains:

  1. The Active Module field (1) - to enable / disable the plugin (position Yes No).

  1. Fields for creating an invoice template (2), which will be sent to the mail specified by the customer when placing the order:

  • Default invoice (2.1) - to select the default template you want.  

  • Invoice for (2.2) - to select the order conditions under which the pdf file will be sent. If you don't want the pdf document to be sent to the mail, select the position OFF. Also the field can be displayed as one of the blocks:

  • Customer group,

  • Order status,

  • Payment method.

For each of these blocks, you can select the needed templates to use for different types of events. If fields are left blank, they will be assigned to the default template selected from the Default invoice field (2.1).

  1. Fields for configuring the event for which the pdf file of the waybill will be sent to the mail (3):

  • Default shipping (3.1) - to select the default template you want.  

  • Shipping for (3.2) - to select the order conditions under which the pdf file will be sent. If you don't want the pdf document to be sent to the mail, select the position OFF. Also the field can be displayed as one of the blocks:

  • Customer group,

  • Order status,

  • Payment method.

For each of these blocks, you can select the needed templates to use for different types of events. If fields are left blank, they will be assigned to the default template selected from the Default shipping field (3.1).

The TEMPLATES tab includes all the templates you have created and the Add New button (1) for creating a new PDF template.

Each template you can edit (button Edit (2)), open as a PDF document (button Preview (3)), delete (button Delete (4)).

When editing a template, the following tabs become available GLOBAL SETTINGS, EDIT TEMPLATE, BARCODE AND WATERMARK, CUSTOM CSS:

  • The GLOBAL SETTINGS tab - for selecting the template settings such as the sheet orientation (1), the sheet format (2), the RTL option (3) (template inversion - “for Arabic spelling”), and a margin block (4).

  • The EDIT TEMPLATE tab - for template formatting. It includes such features as: the enabling / disabling of the header / footer, the logo loading, and blocks for the formatting of the template / the product list.

  • The BARCODE AND WATERMARK tab - for selecting the needed type of watermark (1) and barcode (2), the elements of their formatting: the size, the transparency, the orientation.

  • The CUSTOM CSS tab - for using custom CSS᠎ styles that differ from the standard ones.

To finish formatting the template and return to the plugin settings, click the FINISH EDITING button.

The EXTRA CONTENT SETTINGS tab - to display characteristics and page numbering in a pdf file.

This tab contains fields:

  1. Id Features - to enter the id values of product features (for example, 1, 2, 3...) which will be placed in the {$ order_detail.features} variable.

  2. Page number in PDF file - to enable / disable the display of page numbering in a pdf file.

  3. The Page number position - to select the position of the page numbering in the pdf file.

The VARIABLE LIST tab includes a list of variables used in the template and their description. 

When an order is placed in your online store, an email is sent to the specified email address with an order description and pdf files corresponding to the plugin settings.