Instruction Quick Order Form for Magento2.4
Download and install
Download the plugin archive from Shop Pinta and save it to your computer.
Connect via FTP to your website and copy the quick-order-magento folder (1) into the plugins folder of your website (2).
Be sure to use such commands as php bin/magento setup:upgrade and php bin/magento setup:di:compile in the web console to activate the plugin.
Plugin page
To configure the plugin, go to the main menu of the admin panel Quick Order (1) > Settings (2), which appears after installation.
The plugin page includes:
The Email notification field (1) - to send notifications to your mail when new orders are placed in your online store (position Enabled / Disabled).
The Field “Name” block (2) - allows you to add a field to fill the client's name in the “Buy in click” form.
The Field “Email” block (3) - allows you to add a field to fill the client's mail in the “Buy in click” form.
The Field “Phone” block (4) - allows you to add a field to fill the client's phone number in the “Buy in click” form.
The Field “Comment” block (5) - allows you to add a field to fill for the client to fill in a comment in the “Buy in click” form.
To display any field in the “Buy in click” form, select the position Enabled in the Status field (6). If you want the field don't display in the “Buy in click” form, select the position Disabled.
If you want the field to be required, select the position Required in the Required field (7). If you want to leave the field optional, select the position Not required.
Also you can enter your own name for each field, which will be displayed in the “Buy in click” form. To do this, fill in the field for entering the title (8).
After completing the plugin settings, click the Save settings button (9).
Your website now displays the Buy in click button (1), which will open a quick order form (2).
After successfully placing an order through the "Buy in click" form, go to the section Quick Order > Quick Orders in the admin panel of your online store.
The Quick Orders page displays all orders (2) that are placed via the Buy in click form.
Using the filter Search (1) you can quickly find the needed order to continue communicating with the customer.