Instruction for Redirect URLs Manager in PrestaShop 1.7
Download and install
Download the plugin archive from the Shop Pinta store and save it on your computer.
In the admin panel of your website, select Modules (1) > Module Manager (2).
Click the Upload a module button (3).
In the opened window Upload a module, click on select file.
Next, download the plugin archive (1, 2).
Wait for a message about "Module installed!".
To configure the plugin, click the Configure button.
Plugin page
The plugin page consists of:
The Pages block (1) includes such pages:
Redirects (2) - to create redirections.
Not found URLs (3) - to add the 404 URLs in the table.
CSV export/import redirects (4) - to export / import of created redirections.
The Settings block (5) allows you to configure the redirection parameters and includes the following fields:
Enable redirects (6) - to enable / disable the redirection (position YES / NO).
Add redirect for updated products (7) - to enable / disable adding a redirect after editing a product (position YES / NO).
Add redirect from deleted products (8) - to enable / disable adding a redirect after deleting a product (position YES / NO).
Default code (9) - to select a redirect code that will be added after editing / deleting a product, by default.
Redirect destination for deleted products (10) - to select the type of page to be redirected to after deleting a product, by default.
Enable 404 record (11) - to enable / disable the recording of 404 URLs in the table (position YES / NO).
Ignore browser User-Agents (404 URL) (12) - to enter the ignored browser User-Agents that will not be automatically added to the table.
Ignore IP (404 URL) (13) - to enter the ignored IPs that will not be automatically added to the table.
Ignore URL (404 URL) (14) - to enter the ignored URLs that will not be automatically added to the table.
After selecting the settings, click the Save button (15).
Redirects page
On the Redirects page, all created redirects are displayed in a table.
Each redirect has a 404 URL (404 error), a valid URL, a transition counter, a redirect code, and a redirect status.
You can quickly find a redirect with specific data using the data filter (1).
If necessary, you can edit any redirection - Edit button (2) - or remove it - Delete button (3).
To create a new redirect, click the Add new redirect button.
The Add new page displays the following fields:
From URL (1) - to enter the URL from which the redirect will be made.
To URL (2) - to enter the URL to be redirected to.
Code (3) - to select a redirect code.
Next, you can save the created redirection and click the Save button (4).
Or you can click the Cancel button (5) to cancel the action.
Not Found URLs page
The Not Found URLs page displays all 404 URLs on your website that customers have ever visited.
The table with 404 URLs contains data about user transitions to the 404 URLs (URL, IP, Referer, User-Agent, Date).
You can quickly find a 404 URL with specific data using a data filter (1).
If necessary, you can remove the 404 URL - Delete button (2) - or create a new redirection - Redirect button (3).
CSV export/import redirects page
On the CSV export/import redirects page, you can export all redirects / 404 URLs to a CSV file. Also, you can upload the edited file with redirections, using the import function.
The Export redirects block (1).
This block allows you to export redirections previously created with this plugin to a CSV file.
In the CSV delimiter field (2), you can select the type of redirection delimiters in the file (Comma, Semicolon).
To export the created redirections, click the Export button (13).
The Import block (4).
This block allows you to configure the import of a file with redirections, and consists of:
The CSV delimiter field (5) - to select the type of redirection delimiter in the file (Comma, Semicolon).
The Start from row field (6) - to select from which row to start loading redirects.
The Skip redirects with already exist ‘from url’ checkbox (7) - to ignore redirections with an already existing 'from' (position YES / NO).
The Reset counters checkbox (8) - to set the transition counter to zero (position YES / NO).
The Set status to enable checkbox (9) - to set the status “Enabled” for all redirections (position YES / NO).
The File field (10) - to select or view a CSV file with redirections:
The Add File button - to select a file saved on your computer.
The CSV file (example file).
To import new redirections from a CSV file, click the Import button (11).
The Export 404 URLs block (12).
This block allows you to export 404 URLs to a CSV file from the Not Found URLs page.
In the CSV delimiter field (13), you can select the type of redirection delimiters in the file (Comma, Semicolon).
To group data by URL, check the Group by url checkbox (14).
To export 404 URLs to a CSV file, click the Export button (15).
Now you can create redirects for your website URL without technical knowledge and problems.