SMS Notifications Sender for PrestaShop Instruction


Download and install

  1. Download the plugin archive in the Shop Pinta store and save it on your computer.

  2. In the admin panel of your website, select Modules (1) > Module manager (2).

  3. Click the Upload a module button (3).


  1. In the opened window click on select file.

  1. Select the plugin archive (1) and click the Open button (2).

  1. To configure the plugin, click the Configure button.


Plugin page

On the plugin page, you can configure events and providers to automatically send SMS notifications.

The GENERAL tab (1) consists of fields:

  1. Enable SMS Sender (2) - to enable / disable the plugin (position YES / NO).

  2. SMS API (3) - to select what SMS provider will be sending an SMS notification to the client / administrator.

The EVENTS tab (1) allows you to configure SMS notifications using the following blocks:

  • SEND SMS TO CUSTOMER - to automatically send SMS notifications to the customer.

  1. On new Quick Order placed: (2).

Move the slider to the YES position to send an SMS notification to the client after placing the Quick Order (Buy In Click) form.

Also, enter the message text to the input field (3) using short codes.

  1. On new order placed: (4).

Move the slider to the YES position to send an SMS notification to the client after placing a new order.

Also, enter the message text to the input field (5) using short codes.

  1. On order status change: (6).

Move the slider to the YES position to send an SMS notification to the client after the order status has changed.

Next, select the checkboxes of the order statuses (7). And after changing any of these statuses an SMS notification will be sent.

Also, enter the message text to the input field (8) using short codes.

  • SEND SMS TO ADMINISTRATOR - to automatically send SMS notifications to the administrator.

  1. On new Quick Order placed: (9).

Move the slider to the YES position to send an SMS notification to the administrator if the client has placed the Quick Order (Buy In Click) form,.

Also, enter the message text to the input field (10) using short codes.

  1. On new order placed: (11).

Move the slider to the YES᠎ position to send an SMS notification to the administrator if the client has placed a new order on the website.

Also, enter the message text to the input field (12) using short codes.

  1. On successful signup: (13).

Move the slider to the YES position to send an SMS notification to the administrator after successful registration on the website.

Also, enter the message text to the input field (14) using short codes.

The SETTINGS tab (1) consists of blocks:

  1. Enable Unicode in SMS (2) - move the slider to the YES position to send SMS notifications using unicode.

  2. Admin phone number (3) - to enter the administrator phone number.

The plugin allows you to configure the sending of SMS notifications using the following SMS providers:

  1. The GATEWAYAPI tab (1).

To activate sending SMS notifications through the GatewayAPI provider, in the Token field (2) enter your data copied from the GatewayAPI website after registration.

In the Sender field (3), enter the sender name, which will be displayed in the message.

Copy Token after registration on the GatewayAPI website:

  1. The BULKGATE tab (1).

To activate sending SMS notifications through the BulkGate provider, in the Application ID (2) and Token (3) fields enter your data copied from the BulkGate website after registration.

In the Sender field (4), enter the sender name, which will be displayed in the message.

Copy Application ID, Token after registration on the BulkGate website:

  1. The CLICKATELL tab (1).

To activate sending SMS notifications through the Clickatell provider, in the API Key field (2) enter your data copied from the Clickatell website after registration.

Copy API Key after registration on the Clickatell website:

  1. The TURBOSMS tab (1).

To activate sending SMS notifications through the TurboSms provider, in the Token field (2) enter your data copied from the TurboSms website after registration.

In the Sender field (3), enter the sender name, which will be displayed in the message.

Copy Token after registration on the TurboSms website:

  1. The SMSRU tab (1).

To activate sending SMS notifications through the SmsRu provider, in the API ID field (2) enter your data copied from the SmsRu website after registration.

In the Sender field (3), enter the sender name, which will be displayed in the message.

Copy API ID after registration on the SmsRu website:

  1. The EPOCHTA tab (1).

To activate sending SMS notifications through the ePochtaSms provider, in the Public Key, Private Key (2) and Sender (3) fields enter your data copied from the ePochta website after registration.

Copy Public Key, Private Key (2), and Sender (3) after registration on the ePochta website:

  1. The REDSMS tab (1).

To activate sending SMS notifications through the RedSms provider, in the Login (2) and API Key (3) fields enter your data copied from the RedSms website after registration.

In the Sender field (4), enter the sender name, which will be displayed in the message.

Copy Login (2) and API Key (3) after registration on the RedSms website:

  1. The BYTEHAND tab (1).

To activate sending SMS notifications through the ByteHand provider, in the API Key (2) and Sender (3) fields enter your data copied from the ByteHand website after registration.

Copy Public Key, Private Key (2), and Sender (3) after registration on the ByteHand website:

  1. The INTELTELE tab (1).

To activate sending SMS notifications through the IntelTelecom provider, in the Username (2), API Key (3) and Sender (4) fields enter your data copied from the website after registration.

Copy Username (2), API Key (3), and Sender (4) after registration on the website:

  1. The DIGITALDIRECT tab (1).

To activate sending SMS notifications through the DigitalDirect provider, in the API Key (2) and Sender (3) fields enter your data copied from the i-digital direct website after registration.

Copy API Key (2) and Sender (3) after registration on the i-digital direct website:

11. Tab TWILIO.

To activate sending SMS notifications through the TWILIO service, enter the data copied on the TWILIO website after registration in the Account SID, Auth Token and My Twilio phone number fields.

Copy Account SID, Auth Token and My Twilio phone number after registering on the TWILIO website:

After selecting the settings, click the Save button.

Now your clients and administrator can receive SMS notifications after registering on the website, successfully placing an order, or changing the order status.