When you pay for the service package Ultra, we can solve the following problems:
- basic installation and configuration of modules,
- checking settings and eliminating basic problems (Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Merchant Center, Google Ads, etc),
- supplying of data received from additional services,
- creating business accounts (Google, Yandex, Facebook, Instagram, etc),
- elimination of conflicts with already installed modules,
- setting up services (dedicated server, vps, AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, etc),
- emergency support, if your project works incorrectly (elimination of errors in the code, test and elimination of errors on the server).
The tasks for the service package Ultra are performed by the developer / manager and are less than 5 hours.
Our team is always ready to help you solve questions and problems that arise during the work.
That's why, we propose several service packages at your choice.
Choose the service package that suits you!
Comparative characteristics of service packages Basic, Ultra, Premium
You can see all service packages on VIP service (packages).