Ajax Filter Installation for PrestaShop
Download and install
Download the plugin archive in the Shop Pinta store and save it on your computer.
In the admin panel of your website, select Modules (1) > Module manager (2).
Click the Upload a module button (3).
In the opened window click on select file (4).
Select the plugin archive (5) and click the Open button (6).
To configure the plugin, click the Configure button (7).
Plugin page
Filters templates is the first block of the plugin.
To create a filter template, click the button Add new template
In the New filters template block that opens, fill in the parameters:
Template name (1) - write the name of the template;
Pages using this template (2) - If the template is used for categories, then “V” is set only opposite Category (3);
Categories used for this template (4) - this parameter is filled in if the Pages using this template parameter is set to "V" opposite the Category. To open categories with one button, you can use Expand all (5) and to select them press the Check all (6) button;
Filters (7) - Here you need to enable filters, select filter styles and filter results limit. Filters can be installed in the desired order. To do this, you need to place the cursor on the required filter and then drag it so that it becomes the first one at the top. And so on one by one until the filters are installed in the desired sequence.
When all parameters are filled in, click the Save (8) button. The created template has been added to the Filters templates block
Display on the site:
Let's add the following template filter. To do this you need to press the button Add new template
In the New filters template block that opens, fill in the parameters:
Template name (1) - write the name of the template;
Pages using this template (2) - select (3): Manufacturer; Supplier; New products; Best sales; rice drop; Search (experimental);
Filters (4) - Here you need to enable filters, select filter styles and filter results limit. Filters can be installed in the desired order. To do this, you need to place the cursor on the required filter and then drag it so that it becomes the first one at the top. And so on one by one until the filters are installed in the desired sequence.
When all parameters are filled in, click the Save (5) button. The created template has been added to the Filters templates block
Display on the site:
Configuration is the second block of the plugin.
The Configuration block consists of the following parameters:
Enable cache system (1) - this option caches filtering blocks, so the module does not have to query for matching products all the time. The cache is invalidated on every modification on your store. If you encounter some incosistencies, disable this cache or make sure to flush it if needed;
Show the number of matching products (2) - by enabling/disabling this parameter, matching products will/will not be displayed on the site after filters. Disabling this option will not provide any performance benefit since the associated products still need to be calculated;
Show products from subcategories (3) - enable, if you want to display products from subcategories, even if they are not specifically assigned to the currently browsed category;
Show products only from default category (4) - Works only if "Show products from subcategories" is off;
Category filter depth (5) - this option controls the display of the category levels being viewed. The default value is 1 - direct children only. Use 0 for unlimited depth;
Use tax to filter price (6) - if you want to use tax to filter the price, switch the slider to "YES";
Use rounding to filter price (7) - if you want to use rounding to filter the price, switch the slider to "YES";
Show unavailable, out of stock last (8) - show products "unavailable" or "out of stock" last;
Use Jquery UI slider (9) - if you are using a classic theme, it is recommended to set the slider to "YES". If your theme does not use Jquery UI slider then set the slider to "NO";
Default filter template for new categories (10) - if you want to automatically assign a filter template to new categories, select it here.
When all parameters are filled in, click the Save button (11).
Design is the third block of the plugin.
Block Design allows you to choose the color scheme and filter location on the site. To do this, select Left Column in the “Location” (1) field, select a color in the “Theme” (2) field, then click the Save button (3).
Display on the site:
Or you can place the filter on the right. To do this, go to the Prestashop website to the Design section (1) => Theme & Logo (2), then click on the Choose layouts button (3) at the bottom.
In the window that opens, find the Categories page (4) and select the “two columns, small right column - Two columns with a small right column” layout from the drop-down list and click the Save button (5).
Then return to the module: Modules => Module Manager => in the search line write "Ajax Filter" => Search => Configure.
Next in the Design block select Right Column in the “Location” (1) field, select a color in the “Theme” (2) field, then click the Save button (3).
Display on the site:
Indexes and cashes is the fourth block of the plugin.
We recommend setting up regular cron jobs for daily/weekly index and cache management. When you click the buttons, the tasks are automatically processed: index all missing prices (1); rebuild entire price index (2); build attributes and features indexes (3) and clear cache (4).
Setting SEO URL is the fifth block of the plugin.
The Setting SEO URL block consists of:
Field Save filter url (1) - for saving the history of filter request URLs (NO / YES position;
Save button (2) - to save data in the table;
Delete selected (3) - to delete data from the table;
History of filter request URLs in the form of a table that displays the filter parameters:
number of requests (4)
SEO name (5)
Params (6)
Actions (7)
To edit the SEO data for the filter page, click the Edit button (1)
The SEO data editing page consists of the following fields:
SEO name (2) - to add an SEO name for the filter page;
Languages (3) - to fill in data in the languages used on the site;
Page title (4) - to add a title for the filter page;
Meta title page (5) - to add a meta tag for the title of the filter page;
Meta description (6) - to add a meta tag to describe the filter page;
Meta keywords (7) - to add a meta tag for filter page keywords.
When you are finished editing, save your changes by clicking the Save button (8).
Display on the website:
The plugin is downloaded, installed and configured.
Now customers can use a convenient and fast filter for sorting and searching for products on your website.