Instruction Translate AI for CS-Cart
Translate AI for CS-cart instructions.
Download and installation.
Upload the archive plugin to Shop Pinta and save it to your computer. In your site's admin panel, select Add-ons (1) > Manage Add-ons (2) > Pinta Webware (3).
On the Add-ons page, in the list of options (1), select Manual installation (2).
Next, click the Local button (1).
Download the plugin archive from your computer (2, 3).
Click the Upload & install button (4).
Plugin installation is complete.
Open the plugin.
Click the Settings button (1), Select the Enabled Status (2), get the API key (3), set the statuses to Enabled (4), (5).
Open the Translation tab (1), select the language from which the translation will be carried out (2), select the language into which the translation will be carried out (3), select the type of data that needs to be translated (4).
Open the Generation tab (1), set the Gpt status to Enabled (2), get the API key (3), click the Save button.
The plugin is configured and ready to go.