Braintree Payment Gateway PRO Setup for OpenCart

Download and Install

  1. Download the plugin archive from the Shop Pinta store and save it on your computer.

  2. In the admin panel of your site, select Extensions(1) > Installer (2) and click the button to download the module (3).

  3. In the window that opens, select the file (4) and click the Open button (5).

  1. After downloading the file, click on the button to install.

  1. Go to the Extensions tab (1), subcategory Extensions (2). In the list of Payments modules (3), find the PwBraintreePayment plugin 

and go to plugin settings (4).

Plugin page

The plugin page consists of:

  • The General tab allows you to make basic settings for the plugin, such as activating and entering Braintree keys.

This tab contains the following fields:

  1. Total - to specify the minimum total order amount at which the Braintree payment method will be available for selection.

  2. Geo Zone - to select a geographic zone in which payment using Braintree will be available.

  3. Status - to enable/disable the plugin.

  4. Sort Order - to indicate the serial number according to which Breintree will be displayed in the general list of payment systems.

  5. Environment - to switch between test mode (Saandbox) and production mode (Production).

  6. Merchant id - to enter the merchant id copied after registering an account in the Braintree sandbox.

  7. Public Key - to enter the seller's public key, copied after registering an account in the Braintree sandbox.

  8. Secret Key - to enter the seller's private key, copied after registering an account in the Braintree sandbox.

  9. 3D Security - activates the need for clients to undergo additional verification when making a payment.

  • The Order Status tab allows you to select order statuses on your website that correspond to the transaction statuses of the Braintree payment system.

  • The Merchant account to currency tab allows you to set the correspondence between the currency on our website and the currency for Braintree system transactions.

  • The Google Pay tab allows you to configure the Gpay payment form:

1.Google pay status (1) - to enable/disable the ability to pay using Google Pay when placing an order

2. Google PAY title field (2) - for entering the name of the checkbox for payment using the Google Pay system, which will be displayed when placing an order on your website.

3. Google pay merchant id (3) - to enter the profile identifier copied after registering an account in Google Pay.

  • The Paypal tab allows you to configure the appropriate form of payment:

  1. Paypal status (1) - to enable/disable the ability to pay using Paypal when placing an order.

2. Paypal title field (2) - for entering the name of the checkbox for payment using the Paypal system, which will be displayed when placing an order on your website.

3. PayPal Client id field (3) - to enter the seller key copied after registering a PayPal account.

  • The Apple Pay tab allows you to configure the appropriate form of payment:

  1. Apple pay status (1) - to enable/disable the ability to pay using Apple Pay when placing an order

2. Apple pay title field (2) - to enter the name of the checkbox for payment using the Apple Pay system, which will be displayed when placing an order on your website.

  • The Subscriptions tab allows you to configure how to manage your subscriptions and use Braintree's recurring billing features:

  1. Braintree webhook url (1) - this url is required to set up a webhook in your Braintree account.

  2. Subscription status (2) - to enable/disable webhooks.

  3. Braintree Plan, Site Plan and Subscription Plan tables (3) - display all current subscription information, such as status, ID, price, currency, etc.

  • Transactions tab - displays the transaction statuses of the Braintree system.

Option Url for cron transaction status update (1) - for automatic updates of transaction statuses.

Now your customers can pay for their order using the Braintree system.