How to Use Facebook Feed for OpenCart 3.0
Download and install
Download the plugin archive from the Shop Pinta store and save it on your computer.
In the admin panel of your website, select Extensions (1) > Installer (2) and click the Upload button (3). Upload the plugin archive from your computer (4, 5).
Clear the cache (recommend). In the Modifications subcategory (1), check the plugin checkbox (2), click the Clear (3) and Refresh (4) buttons.
Go to the Extensions subsection. In the Extension List, select Feeds.
Find the Facebook Feed Products plugin (1) and click the Install button (2).
To configure the plugin, click the Edit button (3).
Plugin page
The plugin page includes:
The Status field (1). Activate the plugin, by selecting the Enable option. Without this, you cannot create a data feed.
The Currency field (2). Select the currency type of your goods.
The Customer group field (3). Select the group of customers.
The Language field (4). Select the language to display products in the feed that corresponds to the language of products on your website.
The Disable image resize checkbox (5). Check the box if you want the images not to be resized.
If you want to resize images, leave the Disable image resize checkbox empty and enter a value in the Image size (min. 600x600) field.
The Do not use google and facebook category field (6). Enable / disable the using of Google and Facebook categories.
The Load product without images field (7). Enable / disable automatic insertion of a standard opencart image for a product without an image.
Fields Color, Size, Pattern, Material (8). Choose matching options on your website with Facebook options.
The Data Google product category Url: field (9). To update the list of Google categories, enter the address where the Google categories are located and click the Update button. By default, the list of Google categories is already included in the plugin.
The Data Facebook product category Url: field (9). To update the list of Facebook categories, enter the address where the Facebook categories are located and click the Update button. By default, the list of Facebook categories is already included in the plugin.
If you would like to use Google categories, select the correspondence to the categories of your website in the Google category tab.
To do this, in the table of categories, select your website categories in the Product category column (1) and the corresponding main Google categories in the Google main product category column (2). It is necessary.
Additionally, you can specify Google subcategories in the Google all product category column (3).
If you would like to use Facebook categories, select the correspondence to the categories of your website in the Facebook category tab.
To do this, in the table of categories, select your website categories in the Product category column (1) and the corresponding main Facebook categories in the Facebook main product category column (2). It is necessary.
Additionally, you can specify Facebook subcategories in the Facebook all product category column (3).
After selecting the product categories to be uploaded to the feed, save the changes. To do this, click the Save button.
To generate a product feed, use the following blocks:
Data Feed Url.
To generate a feed as a link, click the Url button (1).
The generated feed will open in a new browser window.
To generate the feed as a file, click the Download button (2).
The generated feed will be saved to your computer.
Cron Links (3).
To use the cron command, copy the data into the Cron link field and paste it into cron.
The File link field contains the URL of the feed updated with the cron command.
Generator url (4).
To generate a feed depending on the currency and language, select the language and currency options.
Next, to generate a feed as a link, click on the Create link button.
The data feed will open in a new browser window.
The Products block (5) allows you to add / exclude specific products.
To do this, in the Product feed list field, select the Custom option (1).
Next, check the product checkboxes (3, 4) and specify which products to use (2) when generating feed:
only selected products,
all products except selected,
add selected products to list,
exclude selected products from the list.
Next, click Save button and generate the feed.
Feed upload on the Facebook
Sign up for a Facebook account and create Catalog in your Facebook advertising account (if this hasn’t been done in advance).
To upload the feed to your Facebook Сatalog, in the Items tab (1) click the Add items > Add Multiple Items button (2).
Next, on the page Add items select Data feed block (1) and click the Next button (2).
In the Get started block, that opens, select the Yes option (1) and click the Next button (2).
Copy the address of the generated feed into the browser bar.
In the Choose file block, select the Use a URL tab (1).
Paste copied address into the Enter URL field (2) and click the Next button (3).
In the Set schedule block,, select the needed option for Plan of update schedule (1) and click the Next button (2).
Next, in the Upload block, confirm the settings to save your data feed and start uploading items (1) and click Save Feed and Upload (2).
Wait for the product to load from the feed (1) and click the Items button (2).
All products on your website corresponding to the selected categories are uploaded to the Facebook Catalog and displayed in a table.
A detailed description of the product is in the Product Card. To open the product card, click on the product in the table.