Installation Guide for Fast Cache PRO in Opencart3.0


Download and install

  1. Download the plugin archive from the Shop Pinta store and save it on your computer.

  2. In the admin panel of your website, select Extensions > Installer (1) and click the Upload button (2). Download the plugin archive from your computer (3, 4).

  1. Clear the cache (recommended). In the Modification subcategory (1), select the checkbox (2) for the plugin and click the Clear (3) and Refresh (4) buttons.

  1. Go to the Extensions subcategory (1). In the Extension List, select Modules type (2).

  1. Find the Pinta Fast cache plugin (1) and click the Install button (2).

  2. To configure the plugin, click the Edit button (3).

Plugin page

The Edit block allows you to select general settings of plugin and includes:

  1. The Status field (1) - to enable / disable the plugin (position Enabled / Disabled).

  2. The Log level field (2) - to unload the .log file and track the occurred errors (position Enabled / Disabled).

  3. The Footer bar checkbox (3) - to select the caching panel display on the website for different user groups (for everyone, for the admin or for no one).

To activate the plugin in test mode, click the Start test session button (4). This will reduce the risk of the website crashing.

To clear the cache of your website, click the Clear cache button (5).

To configure the optimization of Opencart work, such tabs there are - JS & CSS, Page, Browser, Images, Models, DB, Cache driver.

The JS & CSS tab consists of blocks:

  • JS (1) allows you to optimize JS scripts and includes:

  1. The Optimize JS checkbox (2) - to enable / disable the optimization of JS scripts (position Yes / No).

  2. The Aggregate JS checkbox (3) - for combining of JS scripts into one file (position Yes / No).

  3. The Add try-catch checkbox (4) -  to ignore existing JS scripts that are executed with errors (position Yes / No).

  4. The TTL (sec.) field (5) - for specifying the time during which the cache exists (in seconds). After this time, the cache will be updated.

  5. The Excluded scripts field (6) - for entering JS scripts to ignore during processing.

  6. The Excluded routes field (7) - for entering routes to ignore during processing.

  • CSS (8) allows you to optimize CSS styles and includes:

  1. The Optimize CSS checkbox (9) - to enable / disable the optimization of CSS styles (position Yes / No).

  2. The Aggregate CSS checkbox (10) - for combining of CSS styles into one file (position Yes / No).

  3. The Cache TTL field (11) - for specifying the time during which the cache exists (in seconds). After this time, the cache will be updated.

  4. The Critical CSS field (12) - to activate the output of CSS styles using the Critical CSS service. That is, it includes the ability to initially load important styles.

  5. The Site token from field (13) - to enter the token generated after registration a Critical CSS account.

To fill the Site token from field, you need to get a token.

To do this, go to the website

Next, in the Critical CSS service window that opens, Login if you are already registered with the service, or create a new account - Sign Up.

In your personal account, click on the Add site button (1).

Fill data on the Title (2) and Url (3) fields.

To apply CSS optimization to all website pages, select the Collect critical css for all pages checkbox (4).

And click Add site button (5).

Next, go to the Sites List page (6) and copy the token of the selected site (7).

On the plugin page activate the Critical CSS block (8) and paste the generated token into the Site token from field (9).

The Page tab allows you to select the page cache settings and includes:

  1. The Page cache checkbox (1) - to enable / disable the page caching (position Yes / No).

  2. The TTL (sec.) field (2) - for specifying the time during which the cache exists (in seconds). After this time, the cache will be updated.

  3. The Excluded routes field (3) - for entering routes to ignore during processing.

The Browser tab allows you to select browser cache settings and includes:

  1. The Browser cache checkbox (1) - to enable / disable the browser caching (position Yes / No).

  2. The TTL (sec.) field (2) - for specifying the time during which the cache exists (in seconds). After this time, the cache will be updated.

  3. The Gzip checkbox (3) - to apply gzip compression on your website (position Yes / No).

The Images tab allows you to select the image compression settings and includes:

  1. The Status checkbox (1) - to enable / disable the image compression / conversion with the Squeezeimg Image Optimizer (position Yes / No).

  2. The Lazyload checkbox (2) - to apply lazy loading of images (position Yes / No).

  3. The Add width and height checkbox (3) - to display the sizes of images in the html code of the page (position Yes / No).

  4. The WebP checkbox (4) - to convert images to WebP format (position Yes / No).

  5. The JP2 checkbox (5) - to convert images to JP2 format (position Yes / No).

  6. The Token field (6) - to enter the API key generated after registration a Squeezeimg account.

  7. The Quality field (7) - select a value for the compression quality.

To fill in the Token field, you need to receive an API key.

To do this, go to

Next, in the Squeezeimg service window that opens, Login (2), if you are already registered with the service, or create a new account - SIGN UP (3).

In your personal account (My account) go to the API tab (4) and click on the GENERATION NEW KEY button (5) to generate an API key.

Next, copy the generated API key (6).

The Models tab allows you to speed up the processing of your website models and includes:

  1. The Status checkbox (1) - to enable / disable the model caching (position Yes / No).

  2. The TTL (sec.) field (2) - for specifying the time during which the cache exists (in seconds). After this time, the cache will be updated.

  3. The Excluded routes field (3) - for entering routes to ignore during processing.

  4. The Excluded models field (4) - for entering the name of the models to ignore during processing.

The DB tab allows you to speed up the work of the database and includes:

  1. The Status checkbox (1) - to enable / disable the database caching (position Yes / No).

  2. The TTL (sec.) field (2) - for specifying the time during which the cache exists (in seconds). After this time, the cache will be updated.

  3. The Excluded routes field (3) - for entering routes to ignore during processing.

  4. The Excluded tables field (4) - for entering the name of the tables to ignore during processing.

The Cache driver tab allows you to select the cache storage settings and includes fields:

  1. Status (1) - to select the driver for caching.

  2. Memcache (-d) host (2) - to enter the Memcache (-d) host.

  3. Memcache (-d) port (3) - to enter the Memcache (-d) port.

  4. Redis host (4) - to enter the Redis host.

  5. Redis port (5) - to enter the Redis port.

  6. Redis DB (6) - to enter the Redis database.

To save the plugin settings, click the Save button.

Now, using caching for your website allows users to open pages faster.

An example of displaying JavaScript files with the Aggregate JS option.

An example of displaying CSS files with the Aggregate CSS option.