Guide for Image Compress Plugin in WordPress
Download and install
Download the plugin archive from the Shop Pinta store and save it on your computer.
In the admin panel of your website, select Plugins (1) > Add new (2).
In the Add Plugins block, click the Upload Plugin button (1), and next select the file (2).
In the opened window, select the plugin archive and click the Open button (3).
Click the Install Now button.
After installing the plugin, click the Activate Plugin button.
To configure the plugin, click the Settings button on the Plugins page.
Plugin page
The plugin page consists of such tabs - Options, Compress and convert, Convert folder, Cron, Media.
The Options tab includes:
The Enable module field (1) - to enable / disable the plugin (position on / off).
The Convert images to webp format field (2) - select the on position if you want to display converted images in webp format on your website.
The Convert images to jp2 format field (3) - select the on position if you want to display converted images in jp2 format on your website.
The Convert images to avif format field (4) - select the on position if you want to display converted images in avif format on your website.
The Quality of compress field (5) - select a value for the compression quality.
The gzip enabled field (6) - select the on position if you want to enable gzip compression for your website.
The Count send images in request field (7) - select how many images will be sent for processing at one time.
The Lazy load field (8) - select the on position if you want to increase the website loading speed by using lazy-load images.
The Replace origin images field (9) - select the on position if you want to replace the original files with converted images.
The Sitemap field (10) - a link to a feed with a full map of your website's images is generated. Use this link for Google Search Console and Yandex.Webmaster services.
To view the generated xml file, open the link in a new browser window.
The Token from field (11) - to enter the Squeezeimg service API key.
The Images for loader block (12) - allows you to select the option to display the loading images on your website.
The Save button (13) - to save the settings.
To fill in the Token from field, you need to get an API key.
To do this, click in the Token from field on the link (1).
Next, in the opened window of the Squeezeimg service, perform authorization - Login (2), if you are already registered with the service, or create a new account - SIGN UP (3).
In your personal account (My account) go to the API tab (4) and click on the GENERATION NEW KEY button (5) to generate an API key (6).
Insert the generated token from the API KEY field into the Token from field (7) on the plugin page.
Compress and convert tab contains:
The Convert images in jpg block (1) - for compressing images.
The Convert images in webp block (2) - for converting images to webp format.
The Convert images in jp2 block (3) - for converting images to jp2 format.
The Try compress buttons (4) - for visual display of a random image in its original and processed state.
The Convert images in avif block (5) - for converting images to avif format.
Each of these blocks consists of:
The images origin counter (1) - displays the total number of images on your website.
The Converted jpg images / Converted webp images / Converted jp2 images / Converted avif images counter (2) - displays the number of all compressed images of the appropriate format.
The Error jpg images / Error webp images / Error jp2 images / Error avif images counter (3) - displays the number of images that could not be processed due to errors.
The Compress & convert button (4) - to start compression / conversion of your images.
The Return original button (5) - to return images to their original state.
The Convert folder tab is designed to process your website images that are located in a specific folder and consists of:
The Select folder field (1) - to select a folder, images from which you want to process.
The Compress button (2) - to start compression / conversion your images.
The Convert Options field (3) - allows you to select the type of image processing:
COMPRESS - images are compressed without changing the format.
WEBP - images are compressed with conversion to WebP format.
JP2 - images are compressed with conversion to jp2 format.
AVIF - images are compressed with conversion to avif format.
The Compression level field (4) - to select the image compression rate (LOW, EASY, HIGHT).
The Reduces disk space field (5) - displays the status of replacement of original images (ON - original images will be replaced, OFF - processed images will be created in the original folder). To change the status, go to Options tab > Replace origin images.
The Cron tab is designed to create a Cron task and automate the process of compressing images of your website.
This tab consists of fields:
Enable Cron (1) - to enable / disable the Cron task (position on / off).
Cron type (2) - select the type of image processing using the Cron task.
Count send images for cron (3) - select how many images will be sent for processing at one time.
Call time (4) - select how often you want to run the Cron request.
The Media tab is used to automatically compress / convert images that are added to your website Media gallery.
The Convert images to jpg when uploading to media field (1) - to enable / disable an automatic image compression when adding images to the Media gallery (position on / off).
The Compress jpg thumbnail field (2) - to enable / disable the compression of jpg thumbnails (position on / off).
This field will become active after selecting the on position in the Convert images to jpg when uploading to media field.
The Convert images to webp when uploading to media field (3) - to enable / disable an automatic image conversion to webp format when adding images to the Media gallery (position on / off).
The Compress webp thumbnail field (4) - to enable / disable the compression of webp thumbnails (position on / off).
This field will become active after selecting the on position in the Convert images to webp when uploading to media field.
The Convert images to jp2 when uploading to media field (5) - to enable / disable an automatic image conversion to jp2 format when adding images to the Media gallery (on / off position).
The Compress jp2 thumbnail field (6) - to enable / disable the compression of jp2 thumbnails (position on / off).
This field will become active after selecting the on position in the Convert images to jp2 when uploading to media field.
The Convert images to avif when uploading to media field (7) - to enable / disable an automatic image conversion to avif format when adding images to the Media gallery (position on / off).
The Compress avif thumbnail field (8) - to enable / disable the compression of avif thumbnails (position on / off).
This field will become active after selecting the on position in the Convert images to avif when uploading to media field.
After changing the plugin settings, click the Save button (9).
The Media Gallery (Media Library) displays information about image compression / conversion with a plugin (the Squeezeimg column).
After completing the image compression / conversion process, update your website.
Now the converted images are displayed on your website.