Instruction Mega Swipe Slider for Opencart1.5

    Download and install

  1. Download the plugin archive in the Shop Pinta store and save it on your computer.

  2. Connect via FTP to your site and copy the contents to the root folder of your site.

  1. In the new browser window, enter the command in the address bar (1): the addresses of your site / vqmod / install /, press Enter.

    Result: The message “VQMOD ALREADY INSTALLED!(2) is displayed. 

  1. In the Extensions menu (1), go to the Modules subcategory (2).

    5. Find the MEGA SWIPE SLIDER plugin (1) and click the Install button (2).

    6. To configure the plugin and click the Edit button.

    Plugin page

    The plugin page consists of:

    - the Status field (1) to enable / disable the plugin;

    - Layout / Position / Sort Order fields (2) for settings where the slider will be displayed;

    - Images for slider buttons (3) for loading the image into the slider;

    - a block for editing the appearance of the slider (4);

    - a slider window (5) which displays how your slider

    - a block will look for adjusting the slider style (6).

    After clicking on the Images for slider button, a window opens for loading the image into the slider.

  1. The Add New Photo button for uploading an image from a computer to the slider.

  2. Button List for editing the name and description of images in the slider.

  3. Button Delete Photo to delete images in the slider.

  4. The Gallery block with all the images uploaded to the slider.

    In the List block there are fields:

  1. TITLE to enter the image name.

  2. DESCRIPTION to enter a description of the image.

  3. BUTTON TEXT to enter the name of the button.

  4. BUTTON LINK - enter a link for the button.

    The following fields are available for editing the appearance of the slider:

  1. Tranisition effect - to select the transition effect of images in the slider.

  2. Direction slide - to select the direction of sliding images in the slider.

  3. Width slide - to select the width of the images in the slider.

  4. Height slide - to select the height of the images in the slider.

  5. Number of slider per view - the number of simultaneously displayed images in the slider.

  6. Distance between slides - to select the distance between images in the slider.

    There are 5 tabs for editing the slider style:

  1. The Options tab has on / off for:

        - displaying the navigation buttons navigation (1),

        - sequentially displaying all images in a closed circle loop (2),

        - displaying pagination pagination (3),

        - automatically flipping images autoplay (4).

    1. In the Title tab, you can configure the appearance and location of the name of the images in the slider.

    1. Button tab is used to configure the appearance and location of the button in the slider.

    1. In the Image tab, you can customize the appearance of a small image in the slider.

    1. In the Description tab, you can customize the appearance and location of the image description in the slider.

        To add a background image to the slider, click the Add background image button.

        After configuring the plugin, click the Save button.

        Now on the main page of your site displays the configured and saved slider.