Instruction Rewrite Urls Manager for Opencart

    Download and install

  1. Download the plugin archive from Shop Pinta store and save it on your computer.

  2. In the admin panel of your site, select Extensions (1) > Installer (2).

  3. In the Upload your extensions block, click the Upload button (3).

  1. In the window that opens, select the plugin archive (1) and click the Open button (2).

  1. Clear the cache. Go to the Modifications subcategory (1), check the Rewrites Rules Plugin for system pages checkbox (2), click the Clear (3) and Refresh (4) buttons.

  1. Go to the Extensions subcategory (1) in the Modules list (2), find the Rewrites Rules plugin.

    And click the Install button.

    Click the Edit button to configure the plugin.

    Plugin page

    To activate the plugin, select the Enabled position in the Status field.

    Click the Save button to save the settings.

    To add a new rule, click the Add rule button.

    The Add rule page has two fields:

  1. URL route (1) - field for entering url route, which will be rewritten.

  2. Keyword (2) - a field for entering keywords to which the old url will be rewritten.

    After entering the new rule, click the Save button.

    The created rules table has:

  1. Disabled / Enabled button (1) - to disable / enable this rule.

  2. Delete button (2) - to delete this rule.

  3. Edit button (3) - to edit this rule.

    To delete all created rules, click the Delete all rules button (4).

    Now you can quickly and easily rewrite URLs for system pages on your site.