Instruction for Smart Ajax Search Plugin in Prestashop


Download and install

  1. Download the plugin archive from the Shop Pinta store and save it on your computer.

  2. In the admin panel of your website, select Modules (1) > Module Manager (2).

  3. Click the Upload a module button (3).

  1. In the opened window, click on select file.

  1. Next in the opened window, select the plugin archive (1) and click the Open button (2).

  1. To configure the plugin, click the Configure button.

Plugin page

The plugin page consists of 4 tabs:


This tab contains:


  1. The Status checkbox (1) - to enable / disable the plugin (position Yes No).

  2. The Min symbol field (2) - to select the minimum number of symbols required to display the drop-down list with search results. If the query from the Search field contains insufficient symbols, the drop-down list will not be displayed. Choose a value not 0.

  3. The Suggestions checkbox (3) - to enable / disable the Auto-completion of the results functionality to the standard search field (position Yes No). The user enters the name of the product and receives the result corresponding to the request.

  4. The Sort by relevant queries checkbox (4) - to enable / disable the sorting of search results (position Yes No). Select the Yes position to display the most relevant products for the request at the top of the list.

  5. The Image size field (5) - to select the width and height of product images (in pixels) displayed in the drop-down list with search results.

  6. The Background color of the drop-down menu field (6) - to select the background color of the drop-down list with search results.

  1. The Hover background color block allows you to select the background color that is displayed after hovering over the items in the drop-down list with search results.

  • The Solid color сheckbox (7) - to select the background color (position Yes No). To use a solid background for the drop-down list, select the Yes position and enter the code of the desired color (the Enter Color in HEX format field).

  • The Gradient сheckbox (8) - to select the background color by applying a smooth transition from one color to another (position Yes No). To use a gradient background for the drop-down list, select the Yes position and enter the code of the desired colors (the Enter Color in HEX format field).


This tab allows you to select data for compare with user search queries.


  1. The Category block allows you to:

  • activate / deactivate the search among the categories (1) of your website (position Yes No),

  • specify the category parameters (2) among which the search will be carried out (position Yes No).

  1. The Manufacturer block allows you to:


  • activate / deactivate the search among the brands (1) of your website (position Yes No),

  • specify the brand parameters (2) among which the search will be carried out (position Yes No).

  1. The Product block allows you to:


  • activate / deactivate the search among the products (1) of your website (position Yes No),

  • specify the product parameters (2) among which the search will be carried out (position Yes No).

  • The DESIGN tab.

This tab consists of:

  1. The Max Number of results (not 0) field (1) - to select the maximum number of search results that will be displayed in the drop-down list. Choose a value not 0.

  2. The Show more results link checkbox (2) - to display a link string at the end of the drop-down list with search results. This link allows you to open a page with all search results that match the query (position Yes No).

  3. The Display product price checkbox (3) - to display the product prices in the drop-down list with search results (position Yes No).

  4. The Display product image checkbox (4) - to display the product images in the drop-down list with search results (position Yes No).

  5. The Display of field types in the search checkbox (5) - to display the data type in the drop-down list with search results (position Yes No).

  6. The Display of field cart in the search checkbox (6) - to display the Cart icon in the drop-down list with search results (position Yes No). In order for your customers to be able to add the product to the cart directly from the search results, select the Yes position.

  7. The Cropping title checkbox (7) - to limit the length of the product name in the drop-down list with search results (position Yes No). To set the maximum allowed product name, you must select the Yes position and enter the number of symbols (8).


This tab displays all search queries of your website users (the Input value column (1)).

For any of the search queries, you can specify another query for which the search will be performed (the Save value column (2)).

You can also delete the request (the Delete field column (3)).

After adding a query from the Input value column to the Search field, the search results will match the query from the Save value column.

Thus, you can direct users to specific pages of your website.

Next, click the Save button.

Now your customers can take advantage of a convenient and quick search on your website.