Instruction for Total Costs with Shipping for CS-Cart
InstructionsTotal Cost with Shipping for Cs-Cart
Download and install
Download the plugin archive from Shop Pinta store and save it on your computer.
In the admin panel of your website, select Add-ons > Manage add-ons.
Click the Upload&install add-on button.
Download the plug-in archive from your computer (1, 2, 3) and click the Upload&install button (4).
On the Add-ons page select Total Cost with Shipping plugin (1), expand the statuses (2) and select Active (3).
To configure the plugin, click on the Total Cost with Shipping plugin.
The plugin page
If you check the Display delivery times checkbox (1), delivery times are displayed on the product page.
If you check the Notify site administrator if delivery calculation timeout exceeds specified value checkbox (2), then on the page for editing shipping methods (Administration > Shipping&taxes > Shipping methods section) the administrator will receive a message about the time limit has been exceeded. This means that the time to determine the geolocation data exceeds the value set by the administrator. Also, record will be added to the log file in the plugin root folder.
The Number of delivery methods in the block field (3) to select the number of delivery methods that are displayed in the delivery block on the product page.
The Choose the position of the block on the product page field (4) to select the position of the shipping block on the product page.
In the Delivery cost calculation field (5), choose how the delivery cost calculation will be displayed on the product page - with or without using a button.
In the Estimated time of delivery calculation, according to geolocation data (ms) field (6), enter the estimated time of delivery based on geolocation data in milliseconds.
After completing the plugin configuration, click the Save button (7).
To create a shipping rule go to section Administration (1) > Shipping&taxes (2) > Shipping methods (3).
Select the shipping method for which you want to create a rule:
Next, go to the Total Costs with Shipping tab (1).
If you want to apply the determination of the location of the buyer by IP for the created rules, select the Active position (2) in the Determine the location of the buyer by ip checkbox.
If you want to determine the location of the buyer based on the entered data in the profile settings or when placing an order, select the Active position in the Buyer's location based on entered data checkbox (3).
Active position in the Buyer's location based on entered data checkbox (3).
To apply the created rules using the buyer's location, you must correctly specify the data (country/state/city). To do this, you can use the geolocation data of your website visitors in the Attendance tab, which has 3 levels.
When you click on the buyer location string of the 1st and 2nd level, you can show/hide the buyer location string of the next level. For example, if you click on the Country string (level 1) displays the Region string (level 2); if you click on the Region string (level 2) displays the City string (level 3).
To create a new rule, click the Add rule button (4).
The block for creating a rule displays:
The button “х” (1) - to delete the rule.
The Extended button (2) - to open the block of advanced rule settings.
The All countries (3) / All states (4) / City (5) fields - enter the country / state / city for which the created rule will be applied.
The Adjust field (1) - to enter how much the shipping price will be adjusted.
The Geolocation check accuracy (0 - 100) field (2) - you can enter a value from 0 to 100 to indicate the accuracy of comparing settlements by geolocation.
Check the Do not display checkbox (3), if you do not want to display this rule on the product page when the conditions are met.
After opening the block of advanced settings, the following checkboxes with fields are displayed:
To select a category for which this rule will be applied, check the Category (1) checkbox. After selecting this checkbox, the Category field (2) is displayed and you can select a specific category or all categories.
If you want to apply the rule for an exact match with the selected category, check the Rigorous category comparison checkbox (12).
To select a product for which this rule will apply, check the Product checkbox (3). After selecting this checkbox, the Product field (4) is displayed and you can select a specific product or all products.
If you want to apply the rule for an exact match with the selected product, check the Rigorous product comparison checkbox (11).
To enter the range of the amount for which this rule will be applied, select the Price checkbox (5). After selecting this checkbox, the Max price (6) and Min price (7) fields are displayed for entering the maximum and minimum amount of goods for which the rule will be applied.
To set the delivery time for this rule, select the Delivery time checkbox (8). After selecting this checkbox, the Delivery time field (9) is displayed and you can enter a value.
After configuring the rules, click the Save button.
Now open the product page on your website.
In the Checkout tab displays fields to enter Country/State/City (1) for delivery, displays the delivery methods with the calculation of the cost and delivery time that are possible for this product (2) and items added to cart list (3).