Mobile Admin for Opencart v2.0-2.2* Install instruction

Download and install

  1. Download the plugin archive from the Shop Pinta store and save it on your computer.

  2. In the admin panel of your website, select Extensions (1) > Extension installer (2).

  3. Click the Upload button (3).

  1.  Download the plugin archive from your computer (1, 2).


  1. Go to the menu Extensions (1) > Modules (2).



  1. In the Modules List, find the Mobile Admin plugin and click the Install button (1).

  2. To configure the plugin, click the Edit button (2).



  1. The plugin installation is complete now.




Plugin page


To activate the plugin, select the Enabled position (1) in the Status field.


Next, click the Save button (2).



Also, install our app on your mobile device:




Now you can manage your online store with any mobile device (smartphone, tablet).